Reyansh Bhansal – Champion of the Week

Reyansh Bhansal - Champion of the Week

Chess KLUB allows students to explore their games practically, and the weekly tournaments we host allows students to do so. Let’s take a look at the brilliant games that took place this week and the wonderful winner list.

On Saturday, we had the Chess KLUB Swiss Tournament with Reyansh Bhansal as the champion, who had a spectacular score of 6.5 points over the 7 rounds. Reyansh played his best game against the runner up Saket Reddy, who had an excellent score of 6 points in the 5th round.

The game began with the Two Knights Defense variation of the Italian Game Opening, where Reyansh posed a Knight fork and became an exchange up in the middle game. This was followed by Saket posing a severe attack upon Reyansh’s King, which exposed Reyansh’s King. Reyansh then won another minor piece, and the two players exchanged their Queens. In third place, we had Aaroosh Reddy with a score of 6 points as well. 

The Chess KLUB Classic Arena tournament was on Sunday, with Sabarish Kailasam at the top of the winner list with a fantastic win rate of 83%. Sabarish played an exceptional game against the runner up Adhvik Manoj, who had a win rate of 68%. Sabarish began this game with the Sicilian Defense opening, and he became a pawn up in the opening.

Sabarish then exposed Adhvik’a King and used his minor pieces and the Queen to strengthen this attack. Adhvik had to sacrifice his Queen to defend the King, and Adhvik resigned soon after. The second runner up was Advaith Rajesh, who had a win rate of 69%. 

The Intermediate Battle Arena held on Tuesday had Ishan Priya at the top of the winner list, who had a perfect win rate of 100%. Ishan played an engaging game against the second runner up Parv Parikh, who had a win rate of 40%. The game began with the Caro Kann Defense, and the two exchanged Queens early into the game.

Parv then won a Rook in the middle game, and Ishan soon responded with a Knight fork that won him a Rook. In the end game, Ishan had two pawns more, and Parv blundered a Rook on the 43rd move. This forced Parv to resign, which made Ishan the winner. In the second place, we had Kush Purohit, who also had a perfect win rate of 100%. 

The Weekly Classic Arena tournament had Ishan Priya in first place with an excellent win rate of 78%, followed by Rushil Kundra in second place with a win rate of 63% and Sabarish Kailasam in third place with a win rate of 63%.

Ishan played an exciting game against the second runner up Sabarish, which began with the Indian Defense, and the two exchanged their Queens in the middle game. On the 26th move, Sabarish made an error that allowed Ishan to checkmate Sabarish’s King on the back rank, using two Rooks. 

This week saw some exceptional games and a refreshing winner list. We hope to see similar results every week.

Congratulations to all the winners.