Sachin Arun – Champion of the Week

Sachin Arun - Player of the Week


Chess KLUB brings an opportunity to all students to explore their skills every week in our Weekly Tournaments. Let’s take a look at some of the Best Games this week and our winner list.

Chess KLUB Open Tournament

The week began with our Chess KLUB Open Tournament on Saturday, 17th April, where we had Vivaan Bhatt as our Champion with a perfect score of 7 out of 7.

Vivaan played an interesting game against our runner up Joshith Vurimi, who had a remarkable score of 5.5. The game began with the Italian Game Opening, and Joshith opened his rook file in the opening. On the 19th move, Joshith missed a Royal Fork by Vivaan’s knight, which cost Joshith his Queen. Vivaan used this advantage to win Joshith’s Rook and create a strong attack upon Joshith’s King. On the 34th move, Vivan checkmated Joshith’s King and won the game.

In third place, we had Adithiyaa Vasudevan with a great score of 5.5. 

Chess KLUB Beginner Tournament

In the Chess KLUB Beginner Tournament, we had Sachin Arun at the top of the winner list with a record-breaking win rate of 100%, with Sachin’s most exciting game being game against Vaibhav Lokeshwaran in the first match.

Sachin began the game with the Scandinavian Defense and Vaibhav blundered his Bishop in the opening, giving Sachin an advantage. This was followed by Vaibhav blundering his Queen, making Sachin material up. Sachin then brought out his Rook and Bishop into the game and posed a strong attack on Vaibhav’s exposed king.

Sachin checkmated Vaibhav on the 22nd move. The runner up at this event was Vihaan Sri with a win rate of 100%, followed by Harsika Kasilingam with a win rate of 71%. 

Chess KLUB Intermediate Tournament

In our Intermediate Tournament, we had Rishab Ghosh as our winner with an excellent win rate of 92%, followed by Pritish Singhal in second place with a wonderful win rate of 83% and Vivaan Budhian in third place with a win rate of 69%. Rishab and Vivaan played an exemplary game that began with the Italian Game Opening, and Rishab became a pawn up in the middle game.

The two then exchanged all their minor pieces, and Rishab went ahead to win another pawn. On the 27th move, Rishab trapped Vivaan’s King with his Queen and Rook and checkmated Vivaan’s king. 

Chess KLUB Advanced Tournament

Our Advanced Tournament had Sanjey Ramachandran as our Champion with a lovely win rate of 67%.

Sanjey played a brilliant game against our second runner up Saket Reddy, who had a win rate of 40%. The game began with the Italian Game Opening, with two exchanging their Queens in the middle game. The end game saw the two players with their Rooks against each other, and Sanjey became a pawn up. Saket pushed Sanjey’s King to the edge and repeated the position thrice by posing perpetual checks upon Sanjey’s King. This led to a Draw by Three Fold Repetition.

In the second place, we had Sanjay Srinivas with a fabulous win rate of 79%. 

Beginner Battle Arena

In the Beginner Battle Arena, we had Harsika Kasilingam at the top of our winner list with a record-breaking win rate of 100%.

Harsika played an aggressive game against Akhilesh Senthil, our second runner up who had a win rate of 50%. Akhilesh began the game with the Queen pawn, and Akhilesh blundered his Bishop in the Opening. The two then exchanged their Queens in the middle game. Akhilesh then lost his knight, followed by Harsika blundering her Rook. Harsika went ahead with the game by winning both of Akhilesh’s Rooks, and Harsika used this advantage to create a passed pawn. Harsika soon made a Queen and checkmated Akhilesh’s King on the 61st move.

Arush was our runner up with a win rate of 50%. 

Intermediate Battle Arena

In the Intermediate Battle, we had Sabarish Kailasam as our Champion with a marvellous win rate of 75%, who played an exceptional game against Ishan Priya; our runner had a win rate of 67% in the final round.

The game began with the Vienna Game, and Sabarish opened up his Rook file early into the Game. The two then exchanged their Queens and walked into the middle game with their Rooks. The two then exchanged their Rooks as well, and Sabarish created a passed pawn that he converted into a Queen. Sabarish then created another Queen and checkmated Ishan’s king on the 60th move.

In third place, we had Rishab Ghosh with a win rate of 75%. 


This week saw some exciting games and some incredible results on the winner charts. We hope to see similar results every week. 

Congratulations to all the Winners.