Kinjal Chatterjee – Champion of the Week

Kinjal-Chatterjee - Player of the Week

Chess KLUB brings you the results of the most awaited tournaments of the week and some brilliant games.

Chess KLUB Swiss Open Tournament

In the Swiss Open Tournament, we had 88 students with Adithiyaa Vasudevan as our champion with an incredible score of 8 out of 9 points.

Our second runner up was Advit Gupta who played an intense game with Adithiyaa. Advit opened the game with the Four Knights opening with the game continuing to be equal till Adithiyaa won a pawn on the 13th move. The two players then exchanged their queens and rooks and entered the end game with Adithiyaa having a bishop, pawns and a king and Advit having a knight, pawns and a king. Adithiyaa had an extra pawn that he converted into a passed pawn. Once Adithiyaa converted this passed pawn into a queen, Advit resigned the game. Advit completed the tournament with a score of 6.5 out of 9.

In second place we had Amoolya Vikas with a wonderful score of 7 out of 9. 

Chess KLUB Beginner Tournament

In the Beginner Tournament held on Sunday, we had Yajat Biyani as our champion who had an excellent 8 out of 9.

Yajat played a very interesting game against our runner up Marshall Brinton who had a fantastic score of 6.5 out of 9. Marshall made a knight blunder in the opening that Yajat took advantage of and gained a central square. Yajat then gained Marshall’s pawns on the ‘a’ and ‘b’ file and invaded Marshall’s king’s territory. With the recurring attacks, Yajat posed, Yajat further won Marshall’s rook and queen. On the 46th move, Yajat checkmated Marshall with two queens.

In third place, we had Eshan Kadri with a score of 5 out of 9. 

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Chess KLUB Intermediate Tournament

In the Intermediate Tournament, we had 42 students competing against each other with Vivaan Bhatt as our champion with a marvellous score of 7.5 out of 9.

Vivaan and Kinjal Chatterjee, our second runner up, played a brilliant match against each other. The two exchanged their queens very early into the game and Vivaan became a minor piece up on the 14th move. The two players entered the game and captured each other’s pawns to create a passed pawn. Vivaan won Kinjal’s rook as well through a knight fork. The end game was then between Vivaan’s rook and knight versus Kinjal’s two pawns. On the 50th move, Vivaan moved his knight to a square that caused a stalemate. Kinjal completed his exemplary performance with a great score of 6.5 out of 9.

Viraj Divekar was our second seed with an amazing score of 7 out of 9. 

Chess KLUB Advanced Tournament

Adithiyaa Vasudevan was the champion of our Advanced Tournament with a splendid score of 4.5 out of 6.

Joshith Vurimi and Adithiyaa played an excellent game against each other where Adithiyaa opened the game with the Sicilian Defense. Adithiyaa became a pawn up on the 16th move followed by Joshith exchanging his rook for Adithiyaa’s bishop. The two then exchanged their queens and entered the end game where Adithiyaa had a passed pawn. Joshith managed to block and capture this passed pawn successfully. On the 36th move, Adithiyaa and Joshith agreed to a draw.

Joshith concluded this tournament in second place with a score of 4.5 followed by Saket Reddy with a score of 4.5 as well. 

Beginner’s Battle Arena

We had our Beginner Battle Arena tournament on Wednesday where we had Sidharth Chanchlani as our winner with a wonderful win rate of 61% followed by Yajat Biyani with an excellent win rate of 80%.

Sidharth played his final and most interesting game against Yajat at this event. Sidharth brought his queen out very early in this game, allowing Yajat to pose recurrent attacks. Yajat pinned Sidharth’s queen and rook in the opening itself, making him a rook up. A few moves later, Yajat posed a knight fork causing Sidharth to lose his second rook as well forcing Sidharth to resign.

We had Eshan Kadri in third place with a win rate of 67%. 

Intermediate Battle Arena

In the Intermediate Battle held on Wednesday, we had 46 participants with Rishab Ghosh at the top of the winner list with a record-breaking win rate of 100%.

Rishab played an aggressive game against Vivan Sarraf in his final match. They played the Italian Game opening with the two players exchanging their queens early into the game. On the 14th move, Vivan blundered his bishop, giving Rishab a god advantage. Vivaan then exchanged his rook for Rishab’s bishop giving Rishab an even greater advantage. On the 32nd move, Rishab checkmated Vivan with his two rooks and bishop.

In second place we had Nikhita Kanagaraj with a perfect win rate of 100% as well followed by Kinjal Chatterjee in third place with an incredible win rate of 80%. 

Advaned Battle Arena

The final event was the Advanced Battle, where we had Saket Reddy as our champion with a perfect win rate of 100%.

Saket and Sanjey Ramachandran, our runner up who had a win rate of 50%, played a brilliant game against each other. The two played some very attacking moves and managed to maintain a relatively equal position through the opening and middle game. The end game was between each of their rooks and pawns. On the 26th move, Saket became a pawn up and threatened a king and rook pin. Sanjey resigned at this point in the match due to the positional advantages that Saket had.

Adithiyaa Vasudevan was our second runner up with a win rate of 67%. 


A spectacular set of games and some cherishable performances have made this week a fruitful one indeed, and we hope to see similar results in the following weeks as well.

Congratulations to all the winners.

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