Rayhan Ulla – Player of the Week

Cherishing small learning in life is what molds individuals into being who they become. We at Chess KlUB encourage our students to cherish every moment of their game-play and this reflects on the quality of their games as well. Hence, to continue this spirit, we bring to you the winners of our weekly tournaments and some cherishable matches.
Chess KLUB Open Tournament
This week’s Open Tournament saw a brilliant participation of 119 students with Vivaan Bhatt at the top of this list with a fabulous win rate of 83%.
Vivaan played a brilliant game against our veteran player, Saket Reddy. The game began with an equal advantage opening with Saket doubling his pawns in the opening but attacking Vivaan’s king-side.
The game then continued on a similar tone till Saket castled and missed a fork on his queen and king. Vivaan obviously saw this opportunity and won himself a queen on the 16th move gaining a massive advantage. Soon after this, on the 20th move, Saket resigned.
In second place we had Advit Gupta with an astonishing win rate of 94% followed by Jay Mahendran with a win rate of 77%.
Chess KLUB Beginner Battle
Our Sunday fun-day began with the Beginner Battle Arena tournament where we had 48 budding players showing some exemplary skill.
The champion here was Rayhan Ulla with a fantastic win rate of 72%. Rayhan and Aariv Upadhyay played a very aggressive games against each other. The game began with Aariv invading Rayhan’s king’s territory in the opening itself making the situation uncomfortable for Rayhan.
Aariv then gained a pawn, a rook and a knight while posing repetitive attacks. On the other hand, Rayhan too was planning an attack, Aariv was rather engrossed with his attacking plans and in the bargain missed Rayhan’s attack and fell for a checkmate on the 10th move.
Our runner up was Yajat Biyani with a record breaking win rate of 100% followed by Arjun Choudhury in third place with a win rate of 75%.
Chess KLUB Intermediate Battle
The Intermediate Tournament saw an overwhelming turn up of 65 students with Vivaan Bhatt being the winner at this event as well with a fabulous win rate of 78%.
Vivaan played an interesting game against our second runner up Vihaan Gupta who concluded the tournament with a win rate of 67%. Vivaan played the Italian Game opening and on the 7th move he sacrificed his knight for the h7 pawn in order to get Vihaan’s king out.
Vivaan then castles and brought his rook to the 3rd file to attack Vihaan’s king. While trying to defend this attack, Vihaan blundered his queen giving Vivaan a significant advantage. Vivaan then posed an even stronger attack and checkmated Vihaan with his queen and rook on the 17th move.
In second place we had Jay Mahendran with a wonderful win rate of 72%.
Chess KLUB Advanced Battle
Finally, we had the Advanced Battle on Sunday where we had Sriranga Narapuram as our champion with an excellent win rate of 76%.
Sriranga played a mind-blowing game against our second runner up Rudra Mishra, who had a win rate of 62%. The game was almost equal in the opening with Rudra having slightly extra control of the center due to the positioning of his knight on a central square.
After Rudra gave up this control, trades of the minor pieces took place and Sriranga has an open rook file and double pawns. The game was going fine till Rudra made a rook blunder on the 25th move to capture a pawn. This gave Rudra a major disadvantage and he soon resigned after this on the 29th move.
In second place we had Sanjey Ramachandran with a fabulous win rate of 67%.
Beginner’s Battle Arena
On Wednesdays we have our second round of tournaments beginning with our Beginners. Among the 30 students that participated we had Yajat Biyani with a brilliant win rate of 90%.
Yajat played a tactical game against ur runner up Rayhan Ulla, who completed the tournament with a fabulous win rate of 71%. Yajat became a pawn up on the third move, while Rayhan brought his queen ot early into the game. Yajat then won Rayhan’s rook by attacking his rook in the corner of the board. Yajat then went on to win a rook, a bishop and a knight giving him a huge advantage. Rayhan then blundered his queen making victory an easy path for Yajat.
Eshan Kadri was our second runner up with a win rate of 62%.
Intermediate Battle Arena
In our second round of the Intermediate Battle we had a spectacular participation once again of 52 students with Rishab Ghosh as the leader of this list with a grand win rate of 91%.
Rishab played an interesting game in his final match against Parth Mishra. Parth opened with the Italian Game opening and the position was significantly equal in the opening with Rishab having his pawn on e4 giving him some extra central control.
Rishab then posed an attack on Parth’s king. Parth blundered his queen while protecting his king giving Rishab a huge advantage.This advantage was put to use by Rishab by checkmating Parth’s king on the 41st move.
In second place we had Adhvik Manoj with a beautiful win rate of 79% followed by Vivaan Bhatt with a great win rate of 89%.
Advaned Battle Arena
Our final tournament for the week was the Advanced Battle where we had Saket Reddy as our champion with an excellent win rate of 78%.
Our champion played an aggressive game against our runner up Vishnu Kannan who concluded this event with a marvelous win rate of 80%. Vishnu began the game with the Italian Game opening and had slightly more control over the center. Vishnu then made a mistake allowing Saket to become an exchange up.
Saket then tactically blundered his rook to divert the attention from a checkmate he was threatening. Vishnu missed this threat and lost the game.
Dron Das was our second runner up with a win rate of 75%.
This week saw some special games and special names making us all very proud here at Chess KLUB. As usual we hope to see similar results once again next week.
Congratulations to all the winners.