Sanjey Ramachandran - Champion of the Week

Sanjey Ramachandran – Champion of the Week

Sanjey Ramachandran - Champion of the Month

Chess KLUB allows students to excel in their practical as well as theory skills. The weekly tournaments are a display of the practical skillset our students possess. Let’s take a look at some of the exceptional games that took place this week and the brilliant winner list.

On Saturday, we had the Chess KLUB Swiss Tournament, with 59 participants with Adhvik Manoj as the champion who had a perfect score of 7 out of 7 points. Adhvik played his best game against the second runner up Nihaltej Gundu, who had a score of 5.5 points. The game began with the Queen Pawn Opening, and Adhvik became an exchange up in the middle game. As the game progressed, Nihaltej exchanged his Queen for Adhvik’s Rook.

In the end game, Adhvik won a Rook, giving him a serious advantage. The two opponents then captured all the pawns on the board, and on the 58th move, Adhvik posed a pin upon Nihaltej’s King and his last Rook. This disadvantage forced Nihaltej to resign, making Adhvik the winner.

In second place at this tournament, we had Jethin Bastin with a score of 5.5 points. 

The Chess KLUB Classic Arena Tournament was held on Sunday, and in the first place, we had Aarav Patel with an excellent win rate of 83%. Aarav played an exciting game against our second runner up Adithiyaa Vasudevan, who had a win rate of 61%. Aarav began the game with the Italian Game Opening with the Evans Gambit variation. In the middle game, Adithiyaa won the f7 pawn with his Bishop supported by his Queen, giving him a major positional advantage.

Aarav’s king was now exposed and was threatened by Adithiyaa’s Queen. Adithiyaa was so focused on his attack that he lost a Rook and eventually the Bishop on f7 as well. This disadvantage forced Adithiyaa to resign on the 14th move.

The runner up at this event was Sanjey Ramachandran, with an impressive win rate of 77%.

The Inntermediate Battle Arena was held on Monday with Parv Parikh at the top of the winner list with a fantastic win rate of 70% followed by Sabarish Kailsam in the second place with a win rate of 83% and Kush Purohit in third place with a win rate of 33%. Our champion and runner up played an engaging game against each other in the final round. Sabarish began the game with teh Vienna Game Opening and Parv grabbed Sabarish’s f2 pawn, exposing Sabarish’s King.

The two opponents then exchanged their Queens and Sabarish won a Bishop. As the game progressed, the two players exchanged a Rook each and on the 33rd move, Sabarish posed a fork on Parv’s Rook and pawn giving Sabarish an advantage. This caused Parv to resign on the 33rd move.

On Wednesday we had the Classic Arena Tournament with Sanjey Ramachandran as the winner with a spectacular win rate of 71%. Sanjey played his most aggressive game against our second runner up Aariv Upadhyay who had a win rate of 62%. The game began with the Morphy Defense variation of the Ruy Lopez Opening and Aariv exchanged his Knight and Bishop for a Rook and a pawn.

As the game progressed, Aariv tried to pose an attack upon Sanjey’s King; however, Sanjey trapped Aariv’s Queen on the 15th move forcing Aariv to resign on the 15th move. In second place we had Sabarish Kailasam with a perfect win rate of 100%. 

This week saw some fabulous games and a refreshing winner list. We hope to see similar results every week.

Congratulations to all the winners.

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