Kush Purohit - Player of the Week - CHESS KLUB

Kush Purohit – Player of the Week

Kush Purohit


Chess KLUB allows students to explore their games practically through our Weekly Tournaments. Let’s take a look at the winners of this week and some exceptional games.

Chess KLUB Swiss Open Tournament

On Saturday, July 3rd, we had the Chess KLUB Swiss Open Tournament with 44 participants with Sabarish Kailasam as the runner-up with a grand score of 5.5 out of 7 points.

Sabarish played a brilliant game against Kush Purohit, our second runner up, who had a fantastic score of 5 points. Sabarish began this game with the Ruy Lopez Opening, and the two opponents exchanged their Rooks in the middle game.

This was followed by Sabarish posing perpetual attacks on Kush’s King that exposed the King. This attack gave Sabarish an advantage that he used to win a Rook. This disadvantage forced Kush to resign on the 28th move.

Chess KLUB Open Classic Arena Tournament

On July 4th, we had the Open Classic Arena Tournament on Sunday. Sabarish Kailasam was at the top of the winner list with a wonderful win rate of 79%, followed by Aarav Patel in second place with a win rate of 73% and Jethin Bastin in the third place with a win rate of 55%.

Sabarish played an interesting game against Jethin that began with the French Defense. Jethin became three pawns up in the middle game, and the two then exchanged their Queens. The two opponents then exchanged their Rooks, and Sabarish made a passed pawn.

Sabarish had two passed pawns against Jethin’s King, and this disadvantage forced Jethin to resign on the 48th move. 

Chess KLUB Classic Arena Tournament

On July 7th, we had the Chess KLUB Classic Arena tournament with Havish Venkat in first place with a spectacular win rate of 69%.

Havish played his best game against Kush Purohit, our runner up, who had a win rate of 45%. The game began with the Italian Game Opening, and the  two exchanged their Queens early into the game.

Havish became a pawn up in the middle game, which was followed by Havish posing perpetual checks upon Kush’s King. Havish used his two Rooks to checkmate Kush’s King on the 27th move.

In third place, we had Jethin Bastin with a win rate of 78%. 

Intermediate Battle Arena

On Thursday, we had the Intermediate Battle Arena with Jethin Bastin as the Champion with an excellent win rate of 91%.

Jethin played an engaging game against Parv Parikh, our runner up, who had a win rate of 67%. The game began with the Scotch Game, and Parv trapped Jethin’s Queen early into the game. This caused the two to draw the game by agreement.

In third place, we had Aarav Patel with a win rate of 56%.


This week saw some incredible games and a spectacular winner list. We hope to see similar results every week. 

Congratulations to all the winners!

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