Aman Sreshta- Champion of the Week - CHESS KLUB

Aman Sreshta- Champion of the Week


Chess KLUB organises weekly tournaments to allow students to express their games practically. Lets take a look at the winners of the week and some of the brilliant games that were played. 

Chess KLUB Swiss Open Tournament

In the Swiss Open Tournament held on Saturday, 10th July, we had Sabarish Kailasam as our champion with an excellent score of 6 points out of 7. Among the 55 participants we had, Sabarish played his most interesting game against our second runner up, Nihaltej Gundu, who had a score of 5.5. The game began with the Sicilian Defense, and Sabarish posed a severe attack on Nihaltej’s King, which forced Nihaltej’s King to come out of its protected territory. The two then exchanged their Queens, and Nihaltej became a pawn up. As the game progressed, Sabarish regained this advantage and went on to win an extra pawn. While posing a strong attack on Nihaltej’s King, Sabarish won a Bishop. This disadvantage forced Nihaltej to resign on the 41st move. In second place, we had Parv Parikh with a score of 5.5. 

Chess KLUB Classic Arena Tournament

On Sunday, 11th July, we had the Chess KLUB Classic Arena Tournament. Aman Sreshta was at the top of the winner list with a grand win rate of 71%, followed by Adhvik Manoj, who had a win rate of 69%. The champion and the runner up played an engaging game that began with the Queen’s Gambit Declined. The two then exchanged their Queens, and Aman became a pawn up. One rook each was then exchanged, and Aman made a passed pawn. The passed pawn then became a Queen, and Aman won a Rook. Aman then checkmated Adhvik’s King on the 53rd move with his Rook and Queen. In third place, we had Sabarish Kailasam with a win rate of 89%. 

Beginner Battle Arena

Trishona was the Champion of the Beginner Battle Arena held on Monday who had a win rate of 67%. Trishona played an aggressive game against our second runner up Vihaan Gupta, who had a win rate of 33%. The game began with the Philidor Defense, and Vihaan became a pawn up in the opening. Vihaan then posed a pawn fork on Trishona’s Bishop and Knight that gave Vihaan an advantage. Trishona regained this advantage by posing a fork on Vihaan’s King and Bishop. Trishona then won another minor piece,he won two Rooks. Trishona then posed a King and Rook pin on Vihaan’s King and won two Rooks too. The position was now equal till Vihaan blundered his Queen, which was followed by Trishona blundering her Queen as well. In the end game, Trishona made a passed pawn that became a Queen and Vihaan lost on time on the 92nd move. The runner up at this event was Aarav Patel, who had a record-breaking win rate of 100%.  

Intermediate Battle Arena

At the top of the winner list at the Intermediate Battle Arena was Pranav Deepak, with an excellent win rate of 67%. Pranav played his best game against our runner up, Parv Parikh, who had a win rate of 67%. Parv opened the game with the Russian Game Opening, and Pranav exchanged a Bishop for Parv’s pawn. Parv then won a pawn and exchanged his Knight abd Bishop for Pranav’s Rook and pawn. On the 18th move, Parv posed a fork on Pranav’s King and Queen, which forced Pranav to resign. The second runner up was Sabarish Kailasam, who had a wonderful win rate of 83%. 

Classic Arena Tournament

In the Classic Arena tournament held on Wednesday, we had Sabarish Kailasam as the Champion with a spectacular win rate of 80%, followed by Sanjey Ramachandran in second place with a win rate of 65% and Parv Parikh in third place with a win rate of 62%. Our winner and runner up played an exciting game against each other. The game began with the Ruy Lopez Opening,, and Sabarish became a pawn up in the Opening. Sabarish then won a minor piece in the middle game. On the 22nd move, Sabarish posed a pin on Sanjey’s King and Rook which forced Sanjey to resign. 


This week saw some exceptional games and a fantastic winner list. We hope to see similar results every week.

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